Packaging Trends – VFFS Snack Packs

27 April 2016
Posted by Aaron Thomas

Snack Packs

The recent surge in requests for flexible tube-style pouches is a natural consequence of their cost-effective nature and convenience they provide to consumers.

These snack packs are embraced by both manufacturers and consumers alike. Manufacturers like them because the elongated shape of these pouches makes a better use of shelf space and offers greater perceived value since it appears fuller. Consumers enjoy the handiness of these packs and the ability to control the flow of the product as it is being enjoyed.

About VFFS Snack Packs

The technical name for this style of packaging is derived from the automated assembly-line product packaging system, the “vertical form, fill, sealing” machine (VFFS), which is used to fill and seal a wide variety of products, such as nuts, trail mix, and candy into flexible pouches.

Aaron Thomas Company has long been a leader in flexible packaging and has a fleet of VFFS pouching machines ready to fulfill your orders. We are up-to-date on current industry trends and have the necessary experience to provide our customers with customized solutions.

If you partner with our company, you will enjoy our personal, yet professional, approach and experience what it is like to be heard and appreciated. We value deep, long-lasting relationships and always take a great care to understand the place our customers are coming from.

All you need to do is take the first step and get in touch with us. From there, we will walk you through the entire process from start to finish and help you achieve all your goals. With Aaron Thomas Company, you have everything you need to emerge on the top of your industry.

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