Contract Packager of the Year

6 September 2008
Posted by Aaron Thomas

Contract Packager of the Year

The world’s largest snack food company recently presented Aaron Thomas Company their prestigious “Contract Manufacturing Supplier of the Year” award. This recognition is due in part to our quality, reliability and leadership within their packaging supplier network.

Our packaging and manufacturing innovations were directly responsible for creating a new product category and our techniques were adopted throughout our client’s supply chain.

Contract Packager Wins Award

This is the second time we have been honored by this significant client. A few years ago we were presented with their “Multi-Packer of the Year” award. In a letter to Aaron Thomas it was noted that…

“Aaron Thomas earned the award by continuing to raise the bar on their own performance within the award categories. Aaron Thomas has a Year End Customer Complaint frequency of 0.4/mm. Reporting was accurate and timely and costs remained flat.”

We’d like to earn your highest honor as well. Call us today so that we can have to opportunity to shake your hand a year from now.

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