5 Ways Contract Packaging Can Optimize the Manufacturing Process

1 August 2014
Posted by Aaron Thomas

Optimize Manufacturing

It is important to understand that outsourcing does not always prove to be the best choice. In some cases, it can even lead to financial losses, cause harm to the reputation and lead to other problems. Over the past few decades, the United States manufacturing industry has been obsessed with blanket outsourcing. It has led to some serious economic problems in the country.

However, it is also important to understand that service providers, manufacturers and contract packagers specialize for a reason. In most cases, business organizations can benefit by relying on someone else’s experience and expertise to perform some standard processes.

When it comes to manufacturing some products, your business organization may be the best in the industry. However, affordably fitting the products lying on the shelf in an attractive, space efficient and easy to open package may not be a strong point for your company. Thus, you may want to hire a contract packaging provider.

It’s worth mentioning that contract packaging is not meant for every company. In fact, some environmental friendly businesses have even tried to avoid the service. However, it can still offer numerous benefits for most manufacturers in the consumer industries. In this post, we have discussed some important benefits you receive from a contract packager.

1. Increased Flexibility

Most business organizations offer limited types of packaging. These types depend on what can fit the facility’s space. Contract packaging allows a business organization to offer unlimited packaging designs. A manufacturing company does not have any room for thermoforming machines essential for clamshell and blister packaging. Similarly, companies can’t assigns space for machines designed to handle shrink wrapping, stretch carding and cartoning.

But when you get in touch with a contract packaging company, you will find a lot of room in these facilities. Service providers can offer a wide range of packaging options to your business. This allows you to choose from numerous packages for your customers. It not only helps increase your sales but even improves brand image. Most importantly, it eases the demands on your facility. You’re not burdened by such needs anymore.

2. Meeting Specific Customer Demands

Over the last few years, hard economic times have led to lower revenue and higher customer expectations. This has been the primary problem in almost every industry. Retailers who successfully outsourced their own packaging before, now need suppliers to package their own goods. They need to cut costs on materials and transportation.

Moreover, they require packaging to take less space and cut down fuel costs. Some customers even prefer green packaging, and a sign that fuel costs were reduced. Regardless of your dilemmas with packaging, a professional outsourced service will be able to meet specific customer demands. Everything will be handled professionally in the packaging facility.

3. Outside Perspective (Two Minds Tend to be Better than One)

Most manufacturing companies have years of expertise and experience in their specific industries. However, it’s rare for a manufacturer to have any experience related to packaging construction and design. Choosing appropriate packaging processes and packaging materials can be the only difference between well-preserved products or spoiled goods, and savings or overspending.

Due to this, most business organizations have realized the importance of contract packages. Companies have realized how packaging services can help them get a new perspective on traditional packaging practices to reduce costs, and improve productivity.

A contract packager may even provide a wide range of services. Most packagers not only offer packaging services, but also handle design services. They keep up with the company’s retail shelving requirements and latest consumer trends.

Whether you’re looking for compact sizing, green packaging, eye-catching labels or attractive boxes, a packaging services will be able to provide you with the best solutions to meet your specific demands. With a new perspective, you will be able to find solutions to cut costs and attract even more customers. This can never be accomplished in your own facility.

4. Reduced Cost

This is one of the most important benefits of contract packaging. According to recent reports, more than 60% of business organizations that invested in packaging last year noticed reduced cost. This offers a major advantage to a business organization. With reduced cost, it can channel the funds toward other productive tasks.

When it comes packaging, reduced cost makes a lot of sense. As mentioned earlier, packaging facilities are optimized with many different strategies and techniques to provide the best services. These companies only use latest and high-end equipment to offer high packaging runs at lowest price.

Due to this, small-scale manufacturing facilities are able to make some significant savings on packaging. In addition to this, these companies are also able to increase the quality and value of the final product by simply outsourcing challenging and complicated packaging process to full-scale contract packaging companies.

5. Value Added Services

In most cases, contract packagers offer a wide range of value-added services, including contract sewing, thermoforming, bar coding, fulfillment services and more. If your business organization is able to utilize these services, it can be the perfect way to focus on optimizing high-end, complicated and tough manufacturing processes.

When you are able to get rid of the labor and cost required for logistics and distribution equipment through outsourcing, the manufacturing facility will be able to save a significant amount of money. Moreover, it will also become more efficient and productive. The company will be able to focus on advancing techniques, expertise and equipment.

Unlike other industries or operations where outsourcing may lead to problems, contract packaging is the perfect service to outsource your packaging tasks. With a specialized company, your business won’t have to worry about any complex packaging procedures or deal with ever changing customer interests.

The packaging company will take care of everything, and make sure your products are packaged in the most appropriate manner to entice potential and existing customers. However, you need to choose a contract packager carefully. Since there are many contract packaging companies in the market, you need to conduct an extensive research to find a company with years of experience.

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